Our Thoughts - Sears Coaching Blog

We don’t blog very often here, which is why you see tons of really good content on our Facebook page written buy other really smart people. But when the mood hits us, this is where you’ll find our thoughts on leadership, coaching, corporate America, etc. Got something that you want to submit? Let us know in the Contact Us section of our site.

Our Blogs

Stress Management Ideas for When You Are at Work

Stress Management Ideas for When You Are at Work

Most of us experience periods of high stress while on the job. However, the ways that you manage the anxiety will determine whether you can successfully overcome it in order to perform your best. Here are some ways to handle stress while on the job. Exercise Your...

3 Ways You Can Improve Workplace Efficiency

3 Ways You Can Improve Workplace Efficiency

Improving workplace efficiency should be the goal of every business owner. When employees work more efficiently, they produce more and waste less. A more streamlined use of human and material resources cuts costs and increases net income. As profits grow, the business...

5 Steps to Boost Your Self-Confidence

5 Steps to Boost Your Self-Confidence

5 Steps to Boost Your Self-Confidence You may not realize it, but your self- confidence is under your control. If you want more self-confidence, get some! Here are 5 easy steps to boost your self-confidence to feel better about yourself and what the future has in...

5 Behaviors Great Leaders Never Tolerate

5 Behaviors Great Leaders Never Tolerate

Becoming a good leader in any organization comes jam-packed with a variety of challenges. One type of challenge is learning how to deal with different behaviors. While leaders will need to learn how to deal with a wide range of different people, there are still five...

3 Ways to Make Sure You Hire the Right Employee for You

3 Ways to Make Sure You Hire the Right Employee for You

Finding the right employees for your business is essential to the growth and success of your organization. It is important to know how to hire the right employee who is going to help push you to the next level. Before you are able to bring someone onto your team, you...

5 Ways Stinking Thinking Kills Self-Esteem

5 Ways Stinking Thinking Kills Self-Esteem

Limiting beliefs are firmly held convictions that hold us back in some way. I like to all this Stinking Thinking because it really is. By holding on to those thoughts you are allowing yourself to be less than you are truly capable of. It limits your ability to live...

What Defines Your Personal Brand?

What Defines Your Personal Brand?

In any business, it is crucial to find something about your brand that makes it stand out. What differentiates you from the competition? Why should clients choose your business as opposed to the dozens of other options out there? What is your competitive advantage? A...

Do Cover Letters Matter When Hiring for Your Business?

Do Cover Letters Matter When Hiring for Your Business?

You’ve read the resumes, and they’re stellar. So do you really need to read the cover letters? While some may insist that cover letters are unnecessary, these documents can give you deeper insight into each individual candidate. Here are some things to look for in the...


I’m The Corporate Fixer and my mission is to help people become more self-aware so that they can lead from a place of authenticity and self-acceptance.


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