Our Thoughts - Sears Coaching Blog

We don’t blog very often here, which is why you see tons of really good content on our Facebook page written buy other really smart people. But when the mood hits us, this is where you’ll find our thoughts on leadership, coaching, corporate America, etc. Got something that you want to submit? Let us know in the Contact Us section of our site.

Our Blogs

How to Reduce Waste in Your Business

How to Reduce Waste in Your Business

For a profitable business, your income has to be greater than your expenses. While it is critical to work to increase your income, it is also important to find ways to streamline your costs. Waste in the workplace is often a silent expense. Yet, those lost minutes or...

How Can I Reduce Turnover Rates at My Company?

How Can I Reduce Turnover Rates at My Company?

In today's competitive workplace, it is more important than ever to retain quality employees. Reducing the turnover rate at your place of business should be one of your key initiatives if you want to remain competitive and continue to grow your organization. Here are...

How to Save Time and Put Your Business on Autopilot

How to Save Time and Put Your Business on Autopilot

Saving time is one of the few things that seem very elusive to business owners. While most business owners understand the concept of saving time, the actual process of where they can save time and how to do it is where they need help the most. In this piece, we're...

How to Keep Company Vehicles Running for a Long Time

How to Keep Company Vehicles Running for a Long Time

When it comes to business, every area matters, and saving money wherever you can is important. Business leaders ought to focus heavily on high-cost areas such as company vehicle maintenance. Continually having to repair or even replace company cars and trucks can be...

How Can I Increase Productivity?

How Can I Increase Productivity?

When it comes to running a successful business, the number of productive hours in a day is crucial for growth. Often times trying to dissect the issue within your company can make the problem even more complex than it should be. The fact is that fixing this issue is...

What You Should Know About Remote Employees

What You Should Know About Remote Employees

With online communication getting even faster and technology becoming more a part of every workplace, the need for having employees all in the same place at once has dramatically diminished. If you're looking to hire remote employees, you need to make sure you...


I’m The Corporate Fixer and my mission is to help people become more self-aware so that they can lead from a place of authenticity and self-acceptance.


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