Our Thoughts - Sears Coaching Blog

We don’t blog very often here, which is why you see tons of really good content on our Facebook page written buy other really smart people. But when the mood hits us, this is where you’ll find our thoughts on leadership, coaching, corporate America, etc. Got something that you want to submit? Let us know in the Contact Us section of our site.

Our Blogs

Tips for Becoming a Top Leader

Tips for Becoming a Top Leader

Shooting for a Leadership Position in 2018? Try these tips to help get you there.  Climbing the corporate ladder and landing a senior leadership role can take years. Start advancing your career now by positioning yourself as a leader. Continue to cultivate your...

What’s your Personal Brand?

What’s your Personal Brand?

Your Personal Brand impacts the way that others see you. It helps them decide, quickly, things about you such as your level of intelligence and your character. It can determine if they want to do business with you or move on to someone else. It is a combination of how...

Mentor Maze

Which maze (Left or Right) is easier to navigate? The one on the left is very similar to our career development paths, we have a clear view of everything in plain sight, but we do not know what is around the corner or even how long the journey is to get out the other...

Uncovering Unconscious Bias

Uncovering Unconscious Bias

I had a conversation with someone recently that made me realize that I could put a little more emphasis on a segment of coaching. One thing that I work on with people when dealing with blind spots is uncovering and eliminating unconscious bias. Sometimes these...

The Power of Why

The Power of Why

I was lucky enough to go on a girl’s trip to Mexico a couple of weeks ago. As we were driving, we passed through the city of Why, Arizona. It is tiny, if you blink you miss it, but the novelty of the name stuck with us for the whole trip. Part of the reason is because...

Leaders: Stop making your employees travel in the dark!

Leaders: Stop making your employees travel in the dark!

As an HR person, I have leaders tell me things all of the time that they don’t feel comfortable saying to the people who actually need to hear it. For example, a leader told me that someone on their team wasn’t showing up as a strategic thinker. I was floored when I...

My HR Happy Place

My HR Happy Place

Today someone asked me to talk about my favorite part of being a Human Resources and Coaching Professional. While those are two very different things, the answer is the same for both. I love doing Leadership Development. Helping Leaders grow is the most rewarding part...

The Awkward Silence in Coaching

The Awkward Silence in Coaching

One of the biggest challenges that I faced when I began coaching leaders was to be able to sit in silence and let them work things through for themselves. I am a very direct person and for most of my career I have been the go to...


I’m The Corporate Fixer and my mission is to help people become more self-aware so that they can lead from a place of authenticity and self-acceptance.


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How to Build a Personal Brand in 5 Days

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