How to Improve Your Personal Branding on the Web

How to Improve Your Personal Branding on the Web

If you are a business owner, you probably know that customers like to know about the people behind the company. They trust individuals, but they may not be so sure about trusting a corporate entity. I recommend that you use personal branding to personalize your company’s website so that your customers can identify with who you are.

Establish a Presence

The first thing that you need to do is establish your presence across the internet. Getting a LinkedIn account and regularly updating it with articles that you write is a great place to start. You also should have social media accounts with your name on it where you connect with your target audience. You should also join industry groups and take on leadership roles. If you do business in a particular geographical area, connect with local groups.

Get Professional Headshots

You need professional headshots because customers want to see your face, and selfies don’t exactly portray a professional image. Before starting your portrait session, you should follow some tips to get the most out of your headshots:

  • Make sure that you get your hair done and that it looks great. In AZ? I know someone. 
  • Think about what colors resonate with your audience, and choose clothes in those colors, even if it is just an accent piece.
  • Choose a wardrobe that will resonate with your target audience. For example, if you are a sporting goods manufacturer, then you may want to get your headshots taken while you are wearing athletic clothes. Lawyers will typically want to get their headshots done in corporate attire.
  • You should also choose a location for your headshots that will resonate with your target audience. For example, if you are a dog trainer, you might want to have them taken at a show. If you are a doctor, consider having them taken in your exam room.

Create an About Me Page

Your website should contain an about me page that shares why you are an expert in your field. This is the place to show off any related degrees that you have earned. It is also the place to tell readers why you are so passionate about helping them. If there is a story behind why you founded the company, you can share it on this page. You should also provide a sentence or two about your family and what you enjoy doing when you are not at work. The trick in creating about me pages is to tell a little about yourself but put the primary focus on why you are the best choice for helping customers solve their issues.

Following these tips is a great way to show your target audience who they are dealing with when they choose to use your company. Pick your favorite idea from this list and get started putting it into action today.

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4 Strategies for Managers to Bond With Their Employees

4 Strategies for Managers to Bond With Their Employees

One of the best ways to improve productivity within the workplace is to build a rapport with your subordinates. If you are new to the management field and are unsure of how to do that, here are some suggestions that can help you out.

Engage in Company Activities

Whenever there is a company picnic, office party, et cetera, by engaging in these activities, you send a message to your employees that you are part of the team rather than just over it. Atmospheres, such as a catered lunch, that are more relaxed will give you and your employees an opportunity to relate outside of the office politics and even make communicating in the office much easier.

Show Employees Your Appreciation

No matter who you are, whether you are a sales representative or a housewife, everyone wants to feel appreciated. The best way to get someone to perform in a manner that you want is by praising them whenever they do. Positive reinforcement will not only help your employees do their job better, but they will also be more open to listening to you as well.

Understand Every Single Job

Performing a Gemba walk may provide insight into your daily operations and help you understand what your employees are dealing with daily. Understanding what each job entails will help you empathize with your employees whenever they have an issue instead of dismissing their concerns. When your employees feel as though they are being heard and their concerns are valid, they will feel comfortable coming to you more, which will help to improve your relationship.

Provide Employees With Support and Guidance

When giving feedback that is not so positive, it is important that you not simply tell your employees what they did wrong but also tell them how they can make it right. Although correction comes with the managerial territory, it is also critical to provide positive feedback, as well, so employees know what they are doing right. Offering advice and tips that can help them be successful at work will ensure that your feedback is not only well received but also appreciated.

A good working relationship, just like any other, is based upon having an open line of communication. It is important that you try to understand your employees’ concerns, as well as, the needs of the company and communicate them in a positive and productive manner.

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What Can I Do to Become a Better Retail Manager?

What Can I Do to Become a Better Retail Manager?

Leading a retail sales team takes patience and flexibility. Not only are you dealing with the public on a daily basis, but you may be working with employees with limited employment experience. Managing people of different ages and skill sets will take a great deal of your time and focus.

Be a Leader

Mirror the skills you’d like your team members to exhibit. If you have a customer struggling to locate something, walk them to the item and make sure they have what they need before you step away. People bringing in returns may require special handling. Sometimes providing terrific customer service means letting people share a longer story than you have time for. Be an active listener. Let your team members watch you handle a difficult or unhappy customer. Remember that you are always teaching your team members, no matter how tough your job gets.

Embrace New Technology

Change can be hard for some people. If your team has members that struggle to learn new technology or customers who get unhappy when the store checkout process changes, you have the chance to shine. Changing technologies will suit some but may leave others behind. Of course, your team members will need to learn to use the latest tools available in the facility. By demonstrating that these changes will enhance their ability to do their jobs, you can reduce the resistance you have to face.

Do Research

Making sure that your team is successful will require some study on your part. For example, many retail managers now need to lead people who are much older than themselves. Reading up on generational work habits, communication patterns, and overall work expectations can make connecting with these employees easier. Factors for the business you work for, such as building and maintaining market share in a world that has embraced on-line shopping, can help you lead a team that provides magnetizing customer service. Reading some of the top rated books on retail management can provide you with great insights on how you can improve your skills as a retail manager.

Use Smart Delegation

You may have employees that are eager to learn and willing to go the extra mile. Make sure to encourage these employees to build a deep knowledge of the products sold by the company. If they demonstrate a willingness to learn, you can start delegating more responsibility to them. It’s important to note that these employees are not your competition. A well-trained and responsible team member can be the person who allows you to take a vacation or stay home with a sick family member. If you delegate and that person drops the ball, you know what they can handle and what they will choose to avoid. All of this information can help you develop your team for the best results for the business.

Focus on Organization

The retail space needs to be inviting, tidy, well-lit and unique. When you’re working in a space, use any downtime to organize the space. Whether that means refolding rumpled clothing on a display table or straightening things on a hanger, let your team see you focusing on these simple steps. If you run a restaurant, take around a pitcher of water or a pot of coffee. If you’re selling stationary, tidy the shelves and check the card displays to make sure each card has the proper envelope. The power of online shopping is that it allows customers to look at only one thing at a time. In sticks-and-bricks retail, you can successfully display a range of objects, but only if the display is well-organized and attractive.

It’s All About the Details

Each of your employees is a unique individual. Some may be punctual at the start of their shift but stretch their breaks. Others may struggle with being constantly late but work very hard once they arrive. Each of these employees brings something to the team and has areas they need to improve. Rather than trying to be an enforcer, think of yourself as a coach. Praise in public and try to promote improvement ideas in private. The late employee may be dealing with a difficult transportation issue, waiting on a babysitter or coming over after class. The employee who needs a longer break may be struggling with a personal issue or a health challenge. You may need to be flexible, but without open communication, you won’t know what’s causing the problem. Once the problem is defined, celebrate small improvements to let your employees know that you’re pulling for them and their success.

Managing people isn’t easy. Every person on your team will face challenges and struggles. To provide your employees with the right kind of support, focus on empathy and communication. Be aware of their goals and help them hit those targets or encourage them to focus on your goals for them as they get started in their retail careers. Your goal should always be their success.

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4 Ways to Improve the Cubicles in Your Workspace

4 Ways to Improve the Cubicles in Your Workspace

Cubicles are a great way to define a workspace. They can provide workers with privacy and designated space to focus. To make sure cubicle space is both comfortable and functional, consider adding some of these extras.

Multiple Monitors

The addition of an extra monitor or two can make it much easier for your employees to handle multi-step processes. While multitasking isn’t much of a time-saver, many workers find that having a spreadsheet open on one monitor makes the task of populating a report template much more efficient. For employees who need to communicate with clients in real time the ability to move from conversation to comments on a second screen greatly increases productivity.

Standing Desks

Sitting for long periods of time is hard on your spine. Over time, too much sitting can increase the risk of obesity and back problems. Installing standing desks can help your employees build core strength while increasing their focus on their tasks. Consider installing a desktop lift that can be easily elevated by the employee so they can move from a standing to a seated project as needed.


Employees should be able to display a few personal items within sight of their monitors. Pictures of their loved ones can easily go on a bookshelf or a corner of the desktop. While the employee’s space shouldn’t be cluttered, the addition of personal items can brighten a long workday and lift the spirits of a dedicated employee. Experts would advise you to consider the benefits of workspace decorating. Of course, nothing should extend above the height of the cubicle wall or impede the ability of the employee to get work done.


The addition of a green plant can add a touch of home to a cubicle. A green, leafy plant such as sansevieria, also called snake plant, can actually freshen the air in the office. Even better, the snake plant can flourish under fluorescent lighting. To avoid allergies and discomfort, ask employees to avoid flowering plants. Make sure that plant pots are required to include a drip tray to avoid water damage to desks and carpets.

Cubicles are supposed to be uniform, but this can make the office space a bit bland. It’s a good idea to keep things energized and welcoming. The addition of personal items and plants can brighten the space for all employees and encourage personal connections and a culture of being inclusive.

How to Determine the Best Way to Communicate With Your Employees

How to Determine the Best Way to Communicate With Your Employees

The nature of communication within businesses has seen great changes in recent years. Through the internet and other digital connections, you can pass information to your employees within seconds. However, fast communication is not a guarantee that your workers will see or respond to the communication. The best way to communicate with your staff depends on your resources, employee location, and privacy concerns.

Consider Cost

Depending on the number of remote employees you have, the least expensive form of communication may be a face-to-face meeting. Many businesses start the day with a daily briefing of different departments or staff groups. These types of meetings can be helpful in ensuring people have received important information for the day. However, once the workday begins, there may be other communication needs. Email is still a low-end expense, but it is often so frequently used that important communication may never be seen. Shortly after your email arrives, it is pushed down by other pressing messages. Saving money does not matter when your messages get lost in employee inboxes. If you want communication that is more direct or more private, you will have to invest more in your systems. A virtual private network can enhance security, but working with one is an added cost. A third-party communication system can help establish message priority, but it is also a financial investment.

Where Are My Employees?

While the daily meeting can still be helpful, it is a product of a different era when employees were all onsite. Nearly 3 billion people worldwide are deskless workers, making communication via email less optimal for disseminating information. Remote workers may need company-issued phones for receiving information through text or instant message. You also need to consider how remote employees can participate in meetings. This could involve a simple remote connection or a virtual meeting room.

How Important is the Information?

Another important consideration is the value of the information that is being sent back and forth. Sending out a set of weekly goals is most likely an operation with low-security needs. However, if sensitive content is routinely part of communications, you need to think about data safety. In this case, you want to create connections that have higher security protocols like password protection and encryption.

Poor communication costs businesses a great deal of money every year in both time and profit. Companies of every size need to have a communication plan in place. When you think intentionally about how to share information, you will improve the performance of your business.

Here’s another article you might find helpful: How Can Business Leaders Build Positive Company Culture?

How to Reduce Waste in Your Business

How to Reduce Waste in Your Business

For a profitable business, your income has to be greater than your expenses. While it is critical to work to increase your income, it is also important to find ways to streamline your costs. Waste in the workplace is often a silent expense. Yet, those lost minutes or unnecessary expenses add up over time, eating into your profits.

Hire Carefully

When you hire a new employee, there are many upfront costs. It takes some time and training before you receive the full benefit of that new person. If that employee requires more training than you expected or doesn’t have the right skillset, the cost of bringing him or her up to speed can become wasteful. Consider using skills tests and strong behavioral interview questions to make certain that new candidates are honest about their skill levels.

It is also important to find people with the right personality for your workplace. If you are in a market space that promotes creative thinking, someone who spends time doing some daydreaming may be an asset. If you are in manufacturing, that same person will cost you money in lost time and slowed production.

Quality Control

When an unusable product rolls off your assembly line, you are looking at waste in the manufacturing process. Employees may have to spend time disassembling the item or simply throw it away. It’s not enough to check for quality once a product is complete; you need to adopt a process that prioritizes catching mistakes early on.

Some managers will periodically walk through the entire manufacturing process looking for wasted motion and stations with the highest possibility of mistakes. By getting feedback from employees, they are able to improve each step. After revamping the process, they will walk the line again looking for new issues. Over time, the process improves, increasing manufacturing rates and minimizing waste.

Schedule for Productivity

Many businesses still base their workday on an eight-hour period with a few breaks along the way. More recently, businesses have discovered the power of more flexible schedules. The traditional, nine-to-five model produces a productive morning with decreasing productivity through the afternoon.

By breaking up the day in different ways, it is possible to have a more constant level of productivity throughout the day. For example, the period after lunch is often a time of low energy. Encouraging your employees to use half an hour of that time for creative projects or continuing education can set up higher productivity for the rest of the afternoon.

Removing waste from your business is a constant process and there is no one-size-fits-all method. As workplace dynamics change, you will have to constantly reassess the systems you’ve put in place. However, by paying attention to waste, you are increasing the profit margins for your business.

Sometimes you need a bit of guidance to understand what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to increasing productivity. Consider enrolling in our Coaching Program to enhance your leadership skills as a business owner.

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