5 Steps to Boost Your Self-Confidence

5 Steps to Boost Your Self-Confidence

5 Steps to Boost Your Self-Confidence

You may not realize it, but your self- confidence is under your control. If you want more self-confidence, get some! Here are 5 easy steps to boost your self-confidence to feel better about yourself and what the future has in store for you.

1. Celebrate a small success: When you check something off of your to-do list, even the tiniest thing, celebrate. Find something meaningful to you and do it. Have a piece of cake, buy a pair of shoes, go on a spa day. Celebrating the small successes will motivate you to get the bigger things done, too.

2. Don’t carry mistakes into the future. Everyone makes mistakes. What’s in the past can’t be changed. How you react to your mistakes is critical. Carry what you’ve learned from your mistakes with you and use that knowledge to fuel your further success.

3. Face a fear. What’s something that you’ve always been afraid of? Spiders? Flying? Heights? Go tackle a fear and feel like a bad ass! Travel down to your local pet store or zoo and ask to hold a spider. Book a trip, hop on a plane and have the time of your life. Get a two for one and fly to the Grand Canyon to tackle your fear of heights. Rather than avoiding your fears, face them head on and bask in the confident feeling that you’ll have afterward.

4. Make an achievement list. You have probably achieved much more inf your life than you think you have. Take 15 minutes and write down as many things that you have done that you’re proud of, or that has made you happy. Start with your kindergarten graduation and keep on going! When you’re done, pack it up and take it with you everywhere you go so that you can take a look at it when you’re feeling low for an instant confidence boost.

5. Go do something you’re good at. What are you good at? Crossword puzzles? Juggling? Writing? Spending time doing something that you’re great at will instantly boost your confidence. Spend 15 minutes writing down all the things you’re good at and spend time every doing at least one of those things.

Taking just a few minutes each day can truly enhance your self-confidence Remember, you are in control of your self-confidence and no one can take that away from you.

5 Behaviors Great Leaders Never Tolerate

5 Behaviors Great Leaders Never Tolerate

Becoming a good leader in any organization comes jam-packed with a variety of challenges. One type of challenge is learning how to deal with different behaviors. While leaders will need to learn how to deal with a wide range of different people, there are still five behaviors that great leaders will never tolerate.

Excuses and Blame

No matter how successful or efficient your organization is, life happens and things go wrong. The last thing that a good leader will tolerate in any negative situation is employees who make excuses, don’t take responsibility for their actions, or put blame on others. Instead, a leader will want to find people that are willing to go the extra mile to understand the situation, fix the problem, and determine good ways to prevent it from happening again in the future.


People that work together for 40 hours or more per week are bound to get to know each other well. Along with this comes the increased chance of gossip and rumor mills. Whether the gossip is about their work life for personal life, as a leader, you need to make sure that this behavior is not allowed. Gossip will do nothing more than hurt others, waste time, and make for a toxic work environment.

Source: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employee-relations/pages/office-gossip-policies.aspx

Substance Abuse

Another concern that many leaders have today is when a team member struggles with addiction. It is important that a leader helps them to get the support that they need to begin recovery so that addiction does interfere with the effectiveness of any team. Make sure to talk to someone in your Human Resources department so that you can make sure to give the employee the right information about a leave of absence, medical information and/or employee assistance plan information. 

Source: https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/heroin-addiction/treatment-rehab/


Depending on where you work, there may be an increased risk of theft occurring. While theft does occur, it is against the law and hopefully, against company policy. If a leader thinks that someone is stealing from the organization, they should speak to their manager and Human Resources immediately. Be sure to take careful notes, don’t take off running 90 miles in the wrong direction. It is important that you have all of your ducks in a row in a situation like this.

Source: https://riskandinsurance.com/spotlight-on-employee-theft/


When an organization hires someone to do a job, they fully expect that this person will show up to work and do a good job. If someone misses a lot of work, especially without giving any prior notice and not getting the results needed, it can be very damaging. Instead of allowing this behavior to continue, an employee will need to to know what the expectations are in terms of their absenteeism and performance. If they still struggle with absenteeism, a leader will need to find a solution, including perhaps replacement.

Source: https://wheniwork.com/blog/how-to-deal-with-employee-absenteeism/

Managing workplace behaviors is a big part of becoming a leader. When you are trying to develop your leadership skills, learning how to manage a variety of different types of people will go a long way. However, these five types of behaviors are ones that, as a leader, you should keep an eye out for.

For help improving your leadership skills, get in touch with Sears Coaching!

3 Ways to Make Sure You Hire the Right Employee for You

3 Ways to Make Sure You Hire the Right Employee for You

Finding the right employees for your business is essential to the growth and success of your organization. It is important to know how to hire the right employee who is going to help push you to the next level. Before you are able to bring someone onto your team, you must make sure that you have the right interview process that they go through.

Creative Interview Process

Instead of just sitting in an office or boring boardroom for your interview, start to get creative. For instance, you can take them on a tour around your company to see how they react with the other members of your organization and the overall work environment. It can also be a good idea to show them creative activities or ask them interesting questions during the interview that will help you learn if they have the ability to innovate under pressure. It is really up to you to create an interview process that is right for your specific business and industry.

Use Tests

In any job, there are certain skills that you will need to have in order to succeed, like attention to detail or team cooperation. Your employees will need to have these skills and it can be hard to tell if they do without testing them first. It can be important to test your candidate for the right skills that benefit your company. There are templates for tests that you can use, or you can create your own. Be sure that any tests that you use have been vetted through the correct legal process. For many jobs, you will have to test them in a real-time job setting. You can get help from some of your other employees to make these tests as effective and relevant to the actual job as possible. 

Look for Great Resumes Online

There are many resources online that will help you find the right type of employees with the skills and experience needed in your organization. Online resume sites will help you browse through candidates that will be well worth adding to your team. There are even resume sites that will notify you when there are candidates that fit your specifications. Often, you can also post job openings on these sites. It is only a matter of time until you find the candidates you are looking for to fill your open positions.

Hiring the right employee is going to be very important to the growth of your organization. You need to make sure that you are able to push yourself through the process of hiring the right employee the right way. This will save you the headache of having to fire and rehire an employee later on.

If you’re new to your leadership position, or you’re trying to find ways you can improve, then let Sears Coaching help! We offer all sorts of training and consulting to help leaders be more successful, which converts into business success!

5 Ways Stinking Thinking Kills Self-Esteem

5 Ways Stinking Thinking Kills Self-Esteem

Limiting beliefs are firmly held convictions that hold us back in some way. I like to all this Stinking Thinking because it really is. By holding on to those thoughts you are allowing yourself to be less than you are truly capable of. It limits your ability to live your best life. Stinking Thinking can do more than just damage your belief in yourself. It can completely kill your self-esteem and get in the way of you being able to make positive and much-needed life changes. There are 5 very common ways that Stinking Thinking can show up in your life. Do you ever have any of these thoughts?

  1. I Don’t Deserve Good Things

When you tell yourself that you don’t deserve good things, good things won’t happen to you. What are the chances of you getting an ice cream sundae if you have told yourself over and over that you don’t deserve it? Pretty slim. You may be, without realizing it, turning down awesome opportunities that are presented to you or self-sabotaging current ones. People who are confident that they deserve good things, get good things.  They go get the ice cream for themselves!

  1. Things Will Never Get Better

Everyone experiences challenges in life. No one has a perfect life. Often, when things go wrong, people feel sad, anxious, upset, or even depressed. If you continue to tell yourself that things can’t get better, you aren’t holding space for the better things to come into your life. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Most people who have faced adversity come out the other end as far stronger people. Besides, you don’t have a time machine. You don’t know what the future has in store for you.

  1. I’m Too Unattractive

There may have been things that have happened to you that make you begin to question your appearance. While appearance does play an essential role in delivering an excellent first impression, things like executive presence, charm and charm and overall attractiveness are about so much more than just looks. Confidence, in and of itself, is attractive. Trust me.

  1. There’s No Point Trying, I Will Fail

Having a mindset of failure stops you from being successful. End of story. If you are afraid of failure the harder, it will be for you to try doing wonderful things. Instead, come from a mindset of understanding that people fail, every single day, and people succeed after failure every single day. Focus on learning to understand the “why” behind the failure and use that knowledge to get better and better each time.  There are tons of inventions that people use every day that are “failures”. You may try and fail yourself into a million dollar product.

  1. I Will Never Find Happiness

Well, Eeyore, you won’t find anything if you keep telling yourself that you can’t find it. There will always be negative things that happen to you, negative people who want to be around you, negative emotions that may surface. Happiness is a learned skill. Start with thinking of all of the small things that are in your life that you are grateful for. Then let it grow from there.

Stop letting stinking thinking get in the way of your happiness and success. Want help? Take my free self-esteem challenge.

Ask about my upcoming leadership retreat Sense of Self.

What Defines Your Personal Brand?

What Defines Your Personal Brand?

In any business, it is crucial to find something about your brand that makes it stand out. What differentiates you from the competition? Why should clients choose your business as opposed to the dozens of other options out there? What is your competitive advantage? A personal brand helps shape your company’s identity and is one of the main things that people will associate with your product. If you currently work for an organization, determining your personal brand can be the difference between getting promoted or getting passed over.

What Makes a Personal Brand?

Is creating a personal brand about finding a strong niche in a particular market, or is it about having a snappy logo? Is it about creating an image that people can understand and relate to? Is it about executive presence? The answer is all of the above and then some.

Say you’re at the grocery store, feeling a little hungry and looking at candy bars. Snickers has established their bars as being high in protein and a good snack to eat to curb hunger for an hour or two. “Gonna be awhile? Grab a Snickers,” their commercials say. Knowing that you can eat one and stave off hunger for a while, you may be more keen to buy Snickers so that you can shop without a grumbling stomach. For me, it’s Slim Jim’s. There are other brands, but that is the one that is “for me”. 

This is an example of brand. It has attraction and personality to it beyond just the product itself. You need to learn how to develop that for your own products and services–that personality that your customers will latch onto. It is what makes customers say that your product is “for them”. 

When you’re at work, what do people say about you before you enter the room? What do they say after? You want to make sure that you leave a positive, lasting impression. Your personal brand should enter the room well before you arrive.

Personal Style

Developing a personal style that connects with others is very important, especially when marketing a person. For example, (and I’m probably dating myself with this example) Jennifer Lopez has created a personal brand. She is a multitalented and creative artist who still manages to be “Jenny from the block,” just a regular girl. Whether she is singing, acting or selling her perfume line, she has created an identity that resonates with people and makes them more likely to buy her products.

Target Audience

In order to develop a successful personal brand, it is vital to understand your target audience. You have to know not only what you are offering, but also who may be interested in your services. Knowing who to market to is a good way to zero in on potential clients and focus your efforts. What about this product is useful to people? Who is going to enjoy it? What will they use it for? These are all critical questions to ask. For those in corporate America, you need to think about your audience. Is it your leader? Your peers? Your direct reports? The truth of the matter is that they are all your audience. 

Internet Presence

In today’s world, internet presence is also crucial. Facebook and Instagram posts give customers a sense of what your brand wants to bring to the world and increases dialogue about your product. Reviews are also important for defining a brand; word of mouth can be a defining factor in product development. For example, websites like Yelp allow customers to review business establishments. Many people will search for a business on Google, and if it is listed on Yelp, they read the reviews. Positive reviews make them more likely to use your services. The same goes for individuals looking to enhance their careers. LinkedIn is the go-to place for people checking out applicants. Do you have positive recommendations and a winning profile?

How to Build Your Brand

Building a brand is a three-step process. The first step is deciding what the brand is. What makes your product unique? Why do you like it? Why do you think people should buy it? The second step involves getting feedback on your brand; get second opinions from marketing experts and customers who will tell you if they are getting the impression you are hoping they get. This is helpful because sometimes we are not the best judges of how our work is coming across to others. Lastly, learn how to promote your brand effectively and market it so that you will get the desired response.

If you are working, do a 360 evaluation. Get feedback from all of your “audience” so that you have a starting point as to what your brand is. Then work towards building the personal brand that you want.

Ultimately, building a personal brand is a very individual process. However, virtually everyone needs to decide what separates them for their competitors. Experiment with different ideas: new products, advertising, and logos. Over time, you will start to get a clearer sense of where your business fits into the world and where to go with it. Keep working and learning and, most of all, enjoy the journey.

Building your personal brand? Get success coaching from some of the best experts in the industry. Sears Coaching will help you accomplish your goals and stay on track. Contact us today to get started.

Do Cover Letters Matter When Hiring for Your Business?

Do Cover Letters Matter When Hiring for Your Business?

You’ve read the resumes, and they’re stellar. So do you really need to read the cover letters? While some may insist that cover letters are unnecessary, these documents can give you deeper insight into each individual candidate. Here are some things to look for in the cover letter that can help the best applicant really shine:

Is it Specialized?

One of the first indicators of an outstanding candidate may be a specialized cover letter. All too often, candidates create one generic resume and cover letter package that they use to apply to all jobs, regardless of the position or industry. Your business deserves more than a generic template. So, look for cover letters that have been tailored or individualized to fit your specific industry or job description.

While resumes may be impartial and difficult to differentiate from prefabricated templates, cover letters should not read like an automated message. Instead, they should be distinct and individual, offering the hiring manager insight into the candidate and their interest in the company. The best cover letters are the ones that go beyond stating individual interests and speak to the company culture or mission, as this indicates a candidate who has done their homework and who is interested in the company as a whole, rather than just the position.

Does it Demonstrate Good Communication Skills?

Cover letters are also a great opportunity to gauge the written communication skills of a potential candidate. Being able to write effectively is essential in nearly all work environments, and the cover letter should demonstrate a candidate’s command of these skills. Does the candidate use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling? Are his or her sentences easily understood and clearly stated? Is the letter formatted properly? If a candidate hasn’t mastered these basic skills, they won’t be able to write up reports, create memos, or write emails to clients to a standard befitting a modern business. Additionally, some managers may be sticklers for length, arguing that cover letters should be no more than a page, but no less than two paragraphs. Others assert that the ideal cover letter should fill about 75% of a page. However, cover letter length shouldn’t be your first concern. As long as the letter is well-written, personal and makes a statement about the candidate that is clear and engaging, the cover letter may be as short or as long as the candidate likes.

Does it Make the Candidate Stand Out?

Ideally, a cover letter should act as a first interview before any phone or face-to-face interviews take place. While resumes may illustrate a candidate’s skills, education and prior work history, these documents are often brief and barebones, seeking to offer up only the most important information as quickly as possible. Resumes, by necessity, are very impersonal, so the cover letter should be the more the personal side of an applicant’s submission, offering hiring managers insight into the candidate and filling in the gaps in the resume.

More than skills and education, the best cover letters showcase a candidate’s personal and professional growth throughout the course of their career, highlight talent and interests outside the job description and help to gauge how well that applicant may fit into the existing company culture.

If you or your business associates feel they need assistance rising to the challenge of leading or running a business as it expands, make sure to see how our “Exec-Ready Coaching Program” can help!

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