Our Thoughts - Sears Coaching Blog

We don’t blog very often here, which is why you see tons of really good content on our Facebook page written buy other really smart people. But when the mood hits us, this is where you’ll find our thoughts on leadership, coaching, corporate America, etc. Got something that you want to submit? Let us know in the Contact Us section of our site.

Our Blogs

5 Effects of Prolonged Stress And How to Address Them

5 Effects of Prolonged Stress And How to Address Them

Life can be awesome but let's face it, life is also inevitably stressful. Thee will be occasions, every once in a while, where you will experience a chronic or acute stress. Stress can be helpful for you when coping with a serious situation or threat. However unlike...

What Will Former Employees Say About Your Company?

What Will Former Employees Say About Your Company?

There used to be a time when people would leave a company for another opportunity. They would do so quietly, never uttering a negative comment about the previous employers. Now with the introduction of the Internet, former employees are empowered. They have more...

De-stress with These 5 Ultimate Relaxation Techniques

De-stress with These 5 Ultimate Relaxation Techniques

Stress can invade all facets of life, especially in your work life. When you feel like things are barreling you over and you are drowning, do you have a go-to method to unwind fast? If you do not immediately think of something zen, then you might need one of the ideas...

How To Protect Your Self-Worth During Job Searches

How To Protect Your Self-Worth During Job Searches

Courtesy of SeroVital Hair Regeneres Prolonged job hunting can take a physical and emotional toll. When faced with rejection after rejection, it is understandable that people may feel hopeless and upset. Many people feel that their job is an important part of their...

I Was Just Promoted to Manager — Now What?

I Was Just Promoted to Manager — Now What?

Alright, it is time to go to work and really embrace your new position. Being the manager of your new team is surely going to be a bit different than when you managed your local ice cream shop back in college. However, don't get overwhelmed. You need to appear strong...


I’m The Corporate Fixer and my mission is to help people become more self-aware so that they can lead from a place of authenticity and self-acceptance.


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