We don’t blog very often here, which is why you see tons of really good content on our Facebook page written buy other really smart people. But when the mood hits us, this is where you’ll find our thoughts on leadership, coaching, corporate America, etc. Got something that you want to submit? Let us know in the Contact Us section of our site.
Our Blogs

A Beginner’s Guide to Working From Home and Staying Productive
Working from home sounds like a dream. You’re in the comfort of your own home. There’s no boss or anyone else breathing down your back. You can set your hours, and come and go as you please. You'll need the motivation to work alone, but it's possible. From freelance...

Diversity and Inclusion. Are you doing it right?
Many companies are putting policies and processes in place to help with their diversity and inclusion efforts. For the most part, this is a good thing. Without deliberate effort, companies run the risk of remaining completely stagnant with no new ideas moving them...

Why Coaching?
Why Coaching? When I started my coaching program to learn how to be a coach, I was pretty sure that I already knew everything. I walked in, cocky as all get out, with my 15+ years of Human Resources experience “coaching” leaders. I could not have been more wrong....

Life on the Struggle Bus
I am a part of an awesome mastermind group. But because we are not pretentious in the least, we don’t call it that. We call it the Ambition Alliance. That’s my crew. We haven’t been a team for very long but in the short time that we’ve been meeting, I have come to...

LinkedIn Videos Show Diversity, Keep Them Coming!
I came across a post on LinkedIn the other day from a coach that really got me thinking. It was another one of those negative, “you shouldn't do this” posts, this one specifically about LinkedIn video. It basically said that people in jobs search who are posting...

I Love My Job!
I met someone for the first recently and went through the adult pleasantries of getting to know more about the person and she asked me, “What do you do?” I said, “HR and Coaching”. She frowned and said “HR, ugh, do you like it?” I said, without any hesitation, “I love...

Negotiating Job Offers
Negotiating Job Offers A very common question that I’m asked is “Should I negotiate my job offer?”. My answer is almost always YES! Negotiate, Negotiate, Negotiate. After all, you won’t get something if you don’t ask for it. If you accept an offer that is less than...

Expand your network over coffee
Thinking about expanding your network? Try doing it over coffee. One of the first thing many people do every day is grab a cup of coffee. Why not incorporate that daily first step into an exercise to help expand your network? Not sure how to start? 1. Research. Learn...

I’m The Corporate Fixer and my mission is to help people become more self-aware so that they can lead from a place of authenticity and self-acceptance.