How to Give Your Employees Better Training Tools

September 20, 2019

Amazon Polly
Voiced by Amazon Polly

A well-trained staff is essential to anything you do with your business. Employees who have proper training will have all the right skills and understanding to make your business a success. However, the traditional one-size-fits-all method tends to really diminish the true abilities of those employees. Want some of the best tips to provide your employees with better training tools? Then read on!

Make a Plan and Set Goals

One of the most common mistakes made during the training process is the belief that since you know everything you don’t have to plan ahead. You may know every aspect of your business, but it may not come out as clear to a person just being introduced to your company for the first time. Getting results means you have to implement your training plan successfully. This means preparing ahead of time on what you will need to teach them now so they can get to work and what can be held off till later. In addition, small goals must be in place to not only encourage the trainee but allow you to know where you stand in the training process. This is extremely important during any new employee onboarding process. You may not remember what it was like to be new, what information you needed. Go to the source and ask some of your newer hires what their ideal learning plan would look like.

Ditch the One-Size-Fits-All Approach

One-size-fits-all training was created to save money and make things as simple as possible. What companies forget is that employees are people too, and people are different. You don’t have to customize a program for each and every person, but you do need to understand that your preferred training method must be flexible. Straight verbal explanations might work for some people, while others might prefer a visual demonstration. Online learning may work for many, but certainly not for everyone.

Look at New Technologies

Even the best training programs cannot predict how an employee will react once they are dealing with actual customers or products. Therefore, many companies are now considering implementing various technologies into their programs. One of the ways employers can train their staff to understand various aspects of the business is through VR or virtual reality. Allowing them to see the process with all its challenges and unpredictability can really improve their performance even before they interact with a customer. This will no doubt increase confidence in the employee and provide better results for the company. Bring on the fourth revolution!

As you set your goals for your new employees, it is necessary to provide them with the tools to reach those goals. The list above provides you with some of the best options to begin this process the right way.

Want to become a better leader for your employees? Sign up for our Exec-Ready coaching program!


I’m The Corporate Fixer and my mission is to help people become more self-aware so that they can lead from a place of authenticity and self-acceptance.

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