Self-Esteem Challenge
Are you ready to take the first step towards success by boosting your self-esteem?
Then you should stick around, since I created this Challenge just for YOU.
1 Self-Esteem Challenge
Day 1: Daily Video
Day 1: Appreciating What’s Great About You
Welcome to Day 1 of the Self-Esteem Challenge. Today we’re going to be reflecting on all the things that are great about YOU. Yes, all of them! I know that you have more than one!
Reflection: Self-esteem begins with loving who you are, accepting who you are, and appreciating your strengths. If you can’t appreciate who you are, you’ll never have good self-esteem. Buddha said: “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Mark Twain said: “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” Ask yourself this simple, yet powerful question:
Do I love myself?
If the answer is, “No,” that needs to change. Today. Immediately. Pronto. ASAP. If you want to be comfortable, you absolutely MUST approve of yourself. It doesn’t matter what others think, it matters what YOU think about you. So, let’s start with taking some time to appreciate yourself. This is the foundation of self-esteem.
Today’s Challenge Activity: Get out a piece of paper. Write down TEN things you appreciate about yourself. This doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. It’s not just a list of ten things that you’re good at, it is 10 things that you love about YOU.
Need some help brainstorming? Here are some ideas:
● Can you speak multiple languages?
● Do you have the patience of a saint?
● Are you good at spelling and grammar?
● Do you have great hair?
● Are you a dog whisperer?
● Do you have a good sense of humor?
● Do you know your way around the kitchen?
● Do you do well with kids?
● Do you manage finances well?
● Are you empathetic?
Ok, I think you’re ready! You MUST come up with at least ten things you like about yourself. No shortcuts, No excuses! If you can keep going, come up with more than 10. After you’re done, take the sheet of paper and tape it somewhere you’ll see it a LOT. You want this to be in front of you on a regular basis. Bathroom mirror, refrigerator, computer monitor…This is your everyday reminder that you’re valuable and should love yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Okay, let’s get to work. Write down the ten things that you love about yourself and in the comments in the Facebook Group, please share at least ONE of those things. Come on, don’t be shy! And stay tuned for tomorrow because we’re going to be doing some wonderful affirmations that help you accept and love yourself. See you tomorrow!
Day 1: Worksheet
2 Self-Esteem Challenge
Day 2: Daily Video
Day 2: Affirming and Accepting Who You Are
Welcome to Day 2 of the Self-Esteem Challenge. Yesterday, we talked about appreciating yourself. Today we’re going to reflect on and affirm who you are. You don’t need to be someone else, you need to love who you already are.
Most people have a picture in their heads of who they think they should be. I should be smarter. Better looking. Funnier. Better with kids. Nicer, more loving, more easy-going. These ideas have been enforced from a young age by parents, teachers, and even sometimes by your friends. This has to stop today.
Heath L. Buckmaster said: “Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don’t know how to be.” Dalai Lama XIV said: “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
It’s time to make peace with yourself. To affirm and accept who you are. To put aside ideas of who you should be and embrace who you already are.
Today’s Challenge Activity:
Today, take 10 minutes to say these affirmations out loud and repeatedly until you actually believe them.
● I have everything I need within myself.
● I have much to celebrate about myself and my life.
● I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
● I love the person that I am.
● I accept myself unconditionally.
● The only approval I’ll ever need is mine.
● Accept others as they are and they, in turn, accept me as I am.
The more you affirm and accept yourself, the most your self-esteem will increase. Okay, remember to spend 10 minutes on the affirmations! No cutting out early! Before we dive in tomorrow, share one affirmation in the comments below that REALLY helped you. Share your favorite affirmation in the Facebook Group. Tomorrow we’re going to be diving into the amazingly helpful topic of eliminating negative self-talk.
Day 2: Worksheet
3 Self-Esteem Challenge
Day 3: Daily Video
Day 3: Eliminating Negative Self-Talk
Welcome to Day 3 of the Self-Esteem Challenge. Thank you for doing the 10-minute affirmation exercise yesterday, I hope you found it helpful. Today we’re going to be talking about eliminating toxic negative self-talk. I sometimes call this Stinkin’ Thinkin’. This is a very important step in increasing your self-esteem.
Many people have their self-esteem sabotaged by unhealthy and negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. You, too, may have a soundtrack of negativity running through your mind throughout the day. I’m not good at anything. I don’t have good friends. I don’t have what it takes to be successful. No one likes me. I suck at my job. I’m never going to be truly happy. This negative self-talk pulls you down into a spiral of despair. It absolutely kills your self- esteem and causes you to dislike yourself.
But here’s the thing.
This Stinkin’ Thinkin’ is NOT true. It is a pack of lies! Why hold on to a pack of lies? It ends now. If you want to grow in self-esteem, your negative self-talk needs to DIE! Today it’s time for positive self-talk to bloom in your life.
Today’s Challenge Activities:
Today, pay close attention to the self-talk that goes on in your head. My suggestion is to keep a journal for the day and take notes on what the conversations are that you have going on in your mind. Every time you become aware of your
Then – and this is crucial – replace the negative self-talk with one of the affirmations from yesterday’s challenge. Write this affirmation in your journal and say it out loud five times. As you do this, you’ll be amazed at the effect it has on your day. Your goal for the day is to have FIVE TIMES more positive self-talk than negative. Remember to keep that log of your self-talk today! Your worksheet for the day takes things a step further. It has the 3 steps that you can take to ELIMINATE your
Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about negative toxic relationships and how you can surround yourself with positive people.
Day 3: Worksheet
4 Self-Esteem Challenge
Day 4: Daily Video
Day 4: Eliminating Toxic Relationships
Welcome to Day 4 of the Self-Esteem Challenge. Let’s keep the momentum going! Today we’re going to be discussing the important subject of toxic relationships.
Every person has toxic relationships in their life. People who constantly criticize others. Who never stop complaining. Who focus on the negative. Who dump all their problems onto others. These toxic relationships are extremely detrimental to self-esteem. They make you feel bad all the time and sometimes leave you feeling like you’re walking around under a dark cloud.
Israelmore Ayivor said:
7 things negative people will do to you. They will… 1. Demean your value 2. Destroy your image 3. Drive you crazily 4. Dispose your dreams 5. Discredit your imagination 6. Defame your abilities 7. Disbelieve your opinions
This is why negative people must be, if not eliminated from your life, then drastically minimized. They will drag you down, crush your self-esteem, and leave you miserable. It’s time for you to SURROUND yourself with people who affirm and value you. With people who love you for who YOU are.
Today’s Challenge Activities:
Take out a sheet of paper and write down the three relationships that have the most toxic effect on you. Take time to think through this. Who criticizes you the most? Complains the most? Dumps their problems on you the most? Who always makes you feel like you are “less than”? You may not be able to cut these people out of your life, but you can certainly spend less time with them. Think of ways that you can spend significantly less time with those people. If they are a close friend or family member, think about ways that you can approach them about how you feel. Now write down the three most positive people in your life. Those who encourage and affirm you them most. Those who make you feel happy. Those who appreciate you the most. Resolve to spend MORE time with them. Reach out to one of them immediately and try to set up a time to get together for coffee, lunch or happy hour. By eliminating toxic relationships and replacing them with positive ones, you’ll see a dramatic improvement in your self-esteem. Okay, let’s get this done! Remember to write down the three negative people you’ll spend less time with and the three positive people you’re going to spend more time with. Until then, leave a comment in the Facebook Group about how the positive people in your life make you feel. This will bring clarity to you.
Day 4: Worksheet
5 Self-Esteem Challenge
Day 5: Daily Video
Day 5: Affirm Others
Welcome to Day 5 of the Self-Esteem Challenge. End of the road, you made it! Congratulations! Aren’t you excited? Today we’re going to be talking about the power of affirming others.
Not everyone realizes this, but affirming others is a powerful way to boost your own self-esteem. When you take the time to affirm others, it forces you to think through the things you appreciate about others, which in turn makes you more attentive to the things that you appreciate about yourself.
Affirming others also help you grow and develop your positive relationships, so you can continue to be surrounded by positive people. Affirming others often leads to them affirming others, so it keeps the good vibes going. Way to start paying it forward! Lastly, when you affirm others, they may affirm you as well. That can be a real boost to your self-esteem.
Mike Gayle said: “No matter how sure you are of someone’s love, it’s always nice to hear it.”
By taking the time to affirm others, you build both their self-esteem, the self-esteem of others and yours. It’s a total win-win.
Today’s Challenge Activities:
Write down the three people who surround you with the most positive energy. Now, under each person, write down THREE things that you really appreciate about them. This can be anything, from their sense of humor to their work ethic to their love of nature. It doesn’t need to be anything profound, just meaningful to you. After you’ve written down three items for each person, contact them via phone, email, or text and tell them how much you appreciate them. Affirm their strengths and make no comments about their weaknesses.
Your goal is simply to affirm them and make them feel good about themselves. What you’ll discover as you do this is that it creates a true cycle of affirmation, with you affirming others and others affirming you. As this happens, you’ll see your self-esteem leap skyward. Remember to affirm 3 people today. After you affirm them, come back and share in the Facebook Group how they responded.
Day 5: Worksheet
Did you enjoy the Challenge?
If you have found the Challenge beneficial and rewarding, and you are ready to take action and take control of your life and career, you can sign up for my Live Your Best Life coaching program. This program will help you increase your confidence and learn how being your authentic self can empower you to truly live your best life.